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Organizations face a myriad of challenges and our experience comes in handy to focus on threats pertaining to each specific segment -

Each industry adopts a comprehensive set of methods, policies and procedures based on its strategy, goals and market conditions. Theft/pilferage is evolving along with the process changes and the focus of security has to be on the new opportunities created in due course. Our expertise mainly focuses on studying the underlying pattern of modus operandi and scrutinize controls around it. 

Factory & Industries

IPS was home grown in factories and manufacturing plants. We have been seasoned in this segment for over 50 years. We have served well in the most harshest of work environments and workforce turmoil and established strict control measures for business continuance

Manufacturing facilities are spread across several acres and the biggest threat is both in controlling the workforce and monitoring the perimeter. Knowing the means and process to control the crowd and manage them over 3 shifts is a day to day challenge. With recent trends in hiring more contract workers and workers from deep interior parts of India, our Guards know how to tackle and handle the situation at ground

Knowing the layout of the premise and identifying the vulnerable areas and the most sensitive areas helps us to focus on a narrow range of interactions that needs to be restrictive 

The demand of unionized labor, threats from nearby villages and prevalent talks in the premises if not reported as intelligence would be a great threat to business continuity. Our patrolling staff are friendly chit chatters who can give a clear insight into the ground situation.

​Most of the factories are well equipped for fire fighting. But the first responder is always a security and adequate training and preparedness is paramount. With our exhaustive training and hand on approach, our Guards de escalate the accident to an incident.


Getting the fleet up and running with minimal grounding time is key to this industry. Our focus here is to ensure that the goods arrive and get dispatched in the most safe manner. 

Major check point for the security is to assess the condition of the vehicle and the goods at the time of entry. Guards have to ensure that the vehicles and drivers have appropriate documentation and that there is no physical damage or discrepancy in weight of the vehicle.

The Guards should restrict any unnecessary loitering of the drivers/cleaners inside the premises and make sure that they are not cooking in an open flame. 

​They should be trained well to report on idle lifting operators, manage load man and vehicle availability, premise conditions, lighting at night and vehicles halted for long duration. 

At the time of exit, the loading details should match with the invoice, tallied and all relevant documents such as e way bills should be readily available. 

​A docket seal should be placed on the vehicle lock to ensure the goods are not touched en route 


With changes in customer purchase trend, the retail outlets are getting smaller and the backend warehouses are scaling bigger. Keeping minimal floating stock inside the WH and expedited goods flow from unloading back to loading is key for business survival.

Effectively managing both the fleet and the material helps efficient operation of the WH. We focus on implementing this very objective

​Along with a superfluous transaction volume, we help identify key risk areas that require sophisticated control measures

At the time of exit, they should make sure that the loading details are matching with the invoice, tally it and ensure all relevant documents such as e way bills are readily available. 

​A docket seal should be placed on the vehicle lock to ensure the goods are not touched en route 

Construction site

A construction zone has a very dynamic workforce with a wide variety of people - contractors, engineers, and vendors alike. The landscape is always changing along with the people and material. 

The challenge lies in controlling the workforce and securing the tools and equipment that are being transacted. 

Expensive machinery and materials are often left unguarded, leaving the site open to potential theft or vandalism. 

When materials and equipment are damaged or stolen, projects are delayed for an indefinite period of time, and unforeseen additional expenses can potentially arise, cutting into profit margins. 


The glooming future of our generation is honed and groomed at the schools and securing the premises is very essential

Any form of negative incident such as a kidnap or violence or accident garners highest level of media attention and criticism. Ensuring that the children exit the campus with an authorized person, identifying and stopping the influence of anti social elements are all critical functions of the security. 

Wind Farm & Solar Power plant

The demand for renewable sources such as wind energy and solar energy is at peak and these remote farms are getting much bigger than ever both in size and capacity. 

Very costly cables and panel boards could be stolen in less than a minute and we train our Guards for quick action to thwart such mishaps. 

​Monitoring the status of the plant and giving live updates for full uptime of the turbine is top priority for business sustenance 

Corporate offices, IT & ITES

Safeguarding buildings from environmental events, restricting people movements, whether external actors or potential insider threats – from accessing areas or assets they shouldn’t. It could be keeping the visitors at large out of your HQ, on-site third parties from areas where sensitive work goes on, service providers or your workers from mission-critical areas such as the server room.

Rigorous controls should be established at the outermost perimeter to keep out external threats, while internal measures around access should be able to reduce the likelihood of internal attackers by flagging unusual behavior

​Physical security and cybersecurity should be in unison to identify and communicate threats to avoid broad range of incidents. Ex:  Relieved employee's biometrics should be disabled in addition to revoking login access 

Hospitals & Primary care centers

Embedded health care systems and 

Any form of negative incident such as a kidnap or violence or accident garners highest level of media attention and criticism. Ensuring that the children exit the campus with an authorized person, identifying and stopping the influence of anti social elements are all critical functions of the security.